Smartweek 17/06/2014, Old Port Area, Genoa
Smartweek 17/06/2014, Old Port Area, Genoa
Ele.C.Tra Launching Event, 13/12/2013, Genova
Ele.C.Tra Launching Event, 13/12/2013, Genova
Spanish Ele.C.Tra National Support Group, 02/04/14, RACC Headquarters, Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Ele.C.Tra in MIEMA and University of Malta, 23/07/2014
Ele.C.Tra in MIEMA and University of Malta, 23/07/2014
East Attica
Greek National Support Group for electric & sustainable urban mobility, 17/07/2014, Pallini - East Attica
Greek National Support Group for electric & sustainable urban mobility, 17/07/2014, Pallini - East Attica
Electric mobility in Skopje, 10/04/2014, Skopje City Hall
Electric mobility in Skopje, 10/04/2014, Skopje City Hall
Electric mobility in Skopje, 10/04/2014, Skopje City Hall
Electro mobility - between wishes and possibilities, 02/06/2014, Skopje
Ele.C.Tra in 5th Zagreb Energy Week, May 2014
Ele.C.Tra Project Team
Click here for the full video!
Electric Vehicles International Conference & Show in Bucharest on 5th and 6th October
Ele.C.Tra-Electric City Transport will be at the EV2017 - Electric Vehicles International Conference & Show in Bucharest on 5th and 6th October!
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The overall objective of the Electric City Transport (Ele.C.Tra.) project is to promote a new urban mobility model, characterized by:
- standard structure with common characteristics to all the project cities, suitable to transfer to other cities or regions and to develop in the future enhancing other means of transport (e.g. electric bikes or buses or cars);
- specific characteristics, suitable for every cities involved, highlighting demand mobility flows, local buses and metros networks, particular citizens and tourists needs.
The EleCTra project would like to test own innovative model, to give useful solutions to accessibility needs of citizens (house-work, house-school, house-keeping transfers,…) that cannot be fully solved by public transport local systems. For this reason, the project includes 3 pilot actions (WP5-Implementation), that will be realized in Genoa, Florence and Barcelona, with some similar characteristics and a high scooters use. The tested model by experimentation phase will be suitable to transfer to other countries and cities, that have different characteristics too. The pilot actions includes a supply of 90 electric scooters and full model start-up (signs, parking system, users services and facilities,…).
The core concept of the Ele.C.Tra. (Electric City Transport) project is that it is possible to reduce pollution due to passenger transports and improve quality life by promoting a new urban sustainable mobility model. In this light, the project allows:
to increase the electric scooters use in urban areas, through short sharing (e.g. for one day) or rent (e.g. for six months), in order to achieve to 2020 a modal electric scooters share can be acquired equal to 1% of house-work/school daily trips (= about 4.700 daily trips in less in a urban area with 1 million of inhabitants). If the Ele.C.Tra. model will develop other urban electric transport means, the project estimates a further car modal share reduction equal to 5%. Then, why the project focuses on scooters technology?
- Because this technology has reached a high level technological development, with relevant applications in the electric mobility;
- Because scooters modal share increases, enhanced to the growth of fuel prices;
- Because scooters are very used in the Southern European cities involved (Genoa, Florence and Barcelona), that have a scooter modal share between 15 and 20%;
to raise awareness citizens and tourists of changing daily behaviours to promote sustainable user-friendly activities by at least 100 electric scooters in every city, that can be parked in own garages at night and eventually recharged. In this way, it will be possible to eliminate during the experimental project phase 90 tons/year of CO2 in the 3 pilot cities (30 tons for each city);