Smartweek 17/06/2014, Old Port Area, Genoa
Smartweek 17/06/2014, Old Port Area, Genoa
Ele.C.Tra Launching Event, 13/12/2013, Genova
Ele.C.Tra Launching Event, 13/12/2013, Genova
Spanish Ele.C.Tra National Support Group, 02/04/14, RACC Headquarters, Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Ele.C.Tra in MIEMA and University of Malta, 23/07/2014
Ele.C.Tra in MIEMA and University of Malta, 23/07/2014
East Attica
Greek National Support Group for electric & sustainable urban mobility, 17/07/2014, Pallini - East Attica
Greek National Support Group for electric & sustainable urban mobility, 17/07/2014, Pallini - East Attica
Electric mobility in Skopje, 10/04/2014, Skopje City Hall
Electric mobility in Skopje, 10/04/2014, Skopje City Hall
Electric mobility in Skopje, 10/04/2014, Skopje City Hall
Electro mobility - between wishes and possibilities, 02/06/2014, Skopje
Ele.C.Tra in 5th Zagreb Energy Week, May 2014
Click here for the full video!
Electric Vehicles International Conference & Show in Bucharest on 5th and 6th October
Ele.C.Tra-Electric City Transport will be at the EV2017 - Electric Vehicles International Conference & Show in Bucharest on 5th and 6th October!
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Leader: TBridge
Participants: All partners
Duration: 5 months
The model executive planning is necessary for the realization of the following working steps, because it identifies the project operating bases, in terms of model, actions, Area Mobility Management Offices organization and equipment (message variable panels, road signs, etc.). This phase that will be synthesized in a Report is common to all cities and allows transferring the model in other regions or countries. In this way, the executive planning could be modified during the post-operam work package (WP 6), in order to calibrate the Ele.C.Tra. - model and enhance project results and transferability characteristics.
All the Executive project sub-tasks are common, in order to realize a unique EleCTra model, but some tasks need of more specific analysis, as the individuations of paths and routes (1.3). At the end of the task, the project includes a technical meeting, to present model analysis results, that coincides with the project meeting at Month 8 (WP1). In particular, the meeting will be oriented to train the non-pilot cities in terms of their involvement and local/regional issues. (please insert half a day of training for the non-pilot cities in the technical meeting, you are can use 40 hours for preparing and organising the training). Note for PO: To prepare and organize the training we have added 40 hours in WP3 for T Bridge (junior expert).
3.1.1. Model definition, to identify sustainable mobility “scenarios” in function of aims to achieve, mobility situation, town planning assets, touristic incoming, information and experience exchange among pilot and non – pilot cities, social acceptability and stakeholders’ points of view, by the first National Support Group meetings (one for every country partner);
3.1.2. Individuation of demand mobility target, to identify project target groups (e.g. workers or students who use traditional motorcycles or car or buses, tourists...) and details of their involvement (what, how and when). This activity will be realized by desk analysis by making contacts with public bodies and local stakeholders. It will concern both the pilot and non-pilot cities;
3.1.3. Individuation of paths and routes, to define the optimal model elements of city accessibility, best paths (pedestrian, cycling) and routes (buses, cars and motorcycles) from and to attractors. In particular, for every pilot city activity includes:
- urban accessibility summary, to identify routes from the main railway stations, port, airport, highways and motorways;
- focus on actual sustainable mobility (bike and pedestrian paths) and its growth trends;
- synthesis of the actual accessibility system advantages and issues, to propose any solutions.
Activities will be realized by desk analysis;
3.1.4. Scooter sharing parking, to propose parking characteristics for electric scooter sharing users, taking into account WP2 analysis and stakeholders needs. Parking spaces may be one of the facilities for sharing users (WP4);
3.1.5. Energy supply and assistance point organization, to identify the functions of scooter sharing points in every city involved. Activity is very important to maximise project results, because service points shall be the main landmarks for city users, in order to take/leave two-wheeled vehicles, ask any questions, maintain scooters, subscribe themselves,… However, the main services linked to sharing system will be available by telephone or on web too. Functions and elements about locations of service points will be planned with the cooperation of public bodies and other stakeholders and they will identify with more details during the WP 4;
3.1.6. Individuation of the electric scooters technical requirements, to define the main technical characteristics of vehicles suitable for the service, in order to satisfy citizens and tourist needs and issues analysed by the previous activities. It is necessary that this activity will be defined with scooter suppliers and local sharing operators available by NGSs meetings;
3.1.7. Software characteristics individuation, to define the common elements of the electric scooter sharing software for all cities involved. In particular, elements analysed are:
- management tools, to update the electric scooter sharing software, by local service operator and public bodies, if necessary;
- monitoring tools, to monitor the EleCTra system accessing to information collected by software;
- links and common characteristics with every local software system sharing, car and bike too.
3.1.8 Non-pilot cities involvement on the model executive planning. In particular, it will be useful to clarify the non-pilot cities involvement in the Ele.C.Tra. project and to exchange the first evaluation about the non-pilot issues in order to implement the model in the future. The meeting at month 8 will be include a section to train the non-pilot partners and deal with their issues.
Area Mobility Management Offices will be a physical and virtual place where all the information will be provided for the different types of users. The offices will define the maps of charging points (columns, retail, parking, schools, etc.). They will support the sharing systems, managing opportunities, agreements with business companies, and they will represent the meeting points for warnings or suggestions for improvement.
The Offices will be constituted with the support of the non-pilot cities, which bring experiences and conditions related to a specific context that can help overcome the occurring problems.
3.2.1. Offices location characteristics, to identify the main elements for mapping offices in the project cities, based on previous analysis;
3.2.2 Offices organization, to define functions, activities, location and equipment of the Area Mobility Management offices and then identify human resources (number and skills). These offices could be organized in other mobility offices already started. The organization planning will be validated by public bodies involved.
3.3.1 Equipment characteristics, to identify and define the main road equipment characteristics in the project cities suitable for scooter sharing users or sustainable transports (e.g. new road signs, paths and/or parking signs, charging point for e-scooter, eventual info-mobility points). The activity includes desk analysis and it will be based on the WP2 and other WP3 tasks results;
3.3.2 Equipment requirements individuation, to define technical and functional equipment characteristics. Then, the activity includes a brief benchmarking analysis, to identify the best solution for every city context. In this way, it will concern desk analysis and contacts with the main equipment suppliers.
3.4.1. Transferability parameters individuation, to identify the main model characteristics, by a unique and simple set of parameters (quantitative and qualitative), that shall be adaptable to all the cities involved and other urban areas in the future;
3.4.2 Feedback on transferability parameters by non-pilot cities partners, very useful to define and validate the transferability model. In this way, it will be possible to extend easily the Ele.C.Tra model to non-pilot cities. The project includes a technical meeting, including pilot and on-pilot cities, to exchange the different experiences and to validate the model and transferability parameters (month 8).