Smartweek 17/06/2014, Old Port Area, Genoa
Smartweek 17/06/2014, Old Port Area, Genoa
Ele.C.Tra Launching Event, 13/12/2013, Genova
Ele.C.Tra Launching Event, 13/12/2013, Genova
Spanish Ele.C.Tra National Support Group, 02/04/14, RACC Headquarters, Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Ele.C.Tra in MIEMA and University of Malta, 23/07/2014
Ele.C.Tra in MIEMA and University of Malta, 23/07/2014
East Attica
Greek National Support Group for electric & sustainable urban mobility, 17/07/2014, Pallini - East Attica
Greek National Support Group for electric & sustainable urban mobility, 17/07/2014, Pallini - East Attica
Electric mobility in Skopje, 10/04/2014, Skopje City Hall
Electric mobility in Skopje, 10/04/2014, Skopje City Hall
Electric mobility in Skopje, 10/04/2014, Skopje City Hall
Electro mobility - between wishes and possibilities, 02/06/2014, Skopje
Ele.C.Tra in 5th Zagreb Energy Week, May 2014
Click here for the full video!
Electric Vehicles International Conference & Show in Bucharest on 5th and 6th October
Ele.C.Tra-Electric City Transport will be at the EV2017 - Electric Vehicles International Conference & Show in Bucharest on 5th and 6th October!
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Leader: BCNEcologia
Participants: All partners
Duration: 6 months
The service executive planning work package will promote and organize the electric scooter sharing services in every pilot action city (Genoa and Florence in Italy and Barcelona in Spain), by involving the local mobility stakeholders. Activities will be planned by a tailor-made Operative Plan for each city.
It is very important to realize local stakeholder networks to allow in the future a comparable e-scooter system, involving own public bodies, Municipalities, transport operators and regional/national suppliers (WP3). In the non-pilot areas too, the project promotes the set-up of local stakeholder networks, involving local target groups such as hotels and tourist operators, private companies (where to install charging points, for example), like in case of the pilot cities (WP4).
This task focuses on citizen’s involvement, to raise awareness of the citizens to the scooter sharing services and the Mobility Managements offices functions. To achieve this aim, meetings National Support Group and regional events are necessary (WP 7).
4.1.1. Local analysis review, to identify every pilot city characteristic and apply the model to urban areas. Particularly, the activity includes:
- paths and routes mapping in every pilot city, to define the optimal model elements of city accessibility, best paths (pedestrian, cycling) and routes (buses, cars and motorcycles) from and to attractors;
- scooter sharing parking mapping and sizing, taking into account WP2 analysis, stakeholders needs and the model characteristics identified in the previous WP3;
- energy supply and assistance points mapping, to identify the functions of scooter sharing points in every city involved.
To collect data about every pilot city model, T Bridge, Comune di Firenze and Agencia d'Ecologia Urbana de Barcelona will realize Technical Reports;
4.1.2. Area Mobility Management Offices mapping, to plan where to realize Area Mobility Management offices in every pilot city involved, in order to maximise services effectiveness for users. The mapping is based on previous analysis about citizens and tourists needs, mobility situation, particularities of each urban zone and model characteristics (WP 3). It will be formulate more hypotheses, planning the available options with public bodies and transport operators. The project includes 1 office in every city involved;
4.1.3. Equipment mapping, to define where to install project equipment, like road signs to identify service points and address users to them and message variable panels, or what and how many existed signs can be used for the project. The mapping activity will be based on the previous project steps results and planned with stakeholders involved;
4.1.4 Map digitizing, to transform all the types of mapping to digital mapping on a web-GIS based platform for free public access for the public or more advanced access for key-players. The activity will be achieved by AVMap GIS SA, which has expertise and skills about geoinformatics (software analysis databases, GIS applications, remote sensing methods, Decision Support Systems, modelling & risk assessment on various factors and disciplines).
The GIS platform will also be accessible through smart phones. The GIS platform will have an alternative version adjustable for purposes of mobile applications.
Apart from data provided for the pilot cities, partners in non-pilot cities will also gather data to be mapped so as that AVMap can homogenise and upload them in the platform. The spatial database will be an all-inclusive one allowing non pilot cities as well to have their background prepared and be ready to apply the EleCTra model as soon as the proper opportunity comes. Then, the GIS application will be developed for all cities, including all necessary preparations to assure a quick start up for the non-pilots cities in case they decide to go for an e-scooter sharing system. The GIS will be free of charge for both pilots and on-pilot cities.
The task allows identifying characteristics of every pilot action, based on the previous phase’s results and cities peculiarities. The support of the non-pilot cities is strong in terms of exchanging experience and subsequent proper calibration of the services.
4.2.1. Service definition, to identify the main characteristics of service types, subscriptions methodology and links with other sharing systems already realized. In particular, the activity will define system types in terms of service duration for every user, indeed the model allows to share e-scooter by users for one day (e.g. for daily tourists) or more with a maximum for six months-one year (e.g. for commuters that now use fuel scooters). Service definition will be realized by desk analysis with a closely cooperation with public bodies;
4.2.2. Service costs estimate, to indicate the main types of service costs for operator, as vehicles rental, maintenance, insurance, electricity and staff. It is necessary to determine its economic sustainability and identify any issues;
4.2.3 Information system project and realization, to define service management and monitoring system, based on WP 3 results (3.1.7 task), in terms of:
- service web portal for users, public bodies and administrators, hard ware for every city and soft ware, by other website already in operation or a new website, linking electric scooter sharing service with other innovative transport means (e.g. car sharing or bike sharing), and identifying contents and functional characteristics;
- evaluation of hardware finalized to data exchange (internet network and fix infrastructure);
- evaluation of the software technical requirements to support service (link to institutional web site, users subscriptions methodology,…);
4.2.4. Agreements and partnership management, to manage agreements with mobility agencies and public bodies and partnership with energy suppliers and local public transport operators and railways operators, in order to maximise project and promotion effectiveness. In accordance with touristic promotion of Ele.C.Tra project, this activity includes agreements managements with tour operators, touristic transport services operator (both public and private) and touristic shipping companies, that link Italy and Spain with other Mediterranean areas. This activity regards both the pilot and non-pilot cities with the scope for the last to create the relation conditions to a future implementation.
4.2.5. Area Mobility Management offices training courses, to prepare personnel for management of Area Mobility Management Offices in all cities pilot involved. In particular, functions, main activities, software use and tools for monitoring and reporting results project will be explained to technical personnel, by power point and/or word files. Courses will include interactive and practical activities. Non-pilot cities will also be represented at these courses to get a full picture of the daily operational requirements of an Area Mobility Management office.
The task will be coordinated by the Romanian partner and the leader WP, to identify common elements and issues, with a strong cooperation with the other partners involved in the pilot actions.
4.3.1. Users and scooter suppliers contract management, to:
- define tenders elements to identify electric scooters suppliers, based on electric scooter requirements, according to subtasks 4.2.1 and 4.2.3 results;
- start-up the tender for at least 100 scooters for every pilot city;
- identify guidelines for contract service users;
4.3.2. Users facilitations and tools, to define service user’s facilitation, like parking, historical centre limitations, etc. and to identify tools to promote service in every local context. In particular, the project will evaluate to implement “services and products networks” linked to electric scooter sharing service, a set of shared system user facilitations and tools:
- services, like reserved parking near historical centres, reserved road lanes where e-scooter can circulate (in Genoa, for example, it would be necessary to verify effectiveness of lanes for e-scooters but also for buses);
- lower price to share e-scooters and, eventually, electric cars or bikes;
- if suitable, sales for the EleCTra users for entrance ticket of museums and theatres, assistance services on the road, apps about the EleCTra system, etc (outside the project budget).
Then, the model provides to buy back e-scooters by sharing users.
The activity includes desk analysis, based on WP2 results. In this phase, it’s important the Romanian partner inputs about touristic appeal of the system, in accordance with stakeholders and workers/student’s needs.
The task 4.4 aims at individuating the local conditions concerning the innovative energy systems already planned in the geographical areas involved. The task output is constituted only by a short Report and to realise it a mainly desk-work is required.
The main objective consists of tracing all the potential link and correlation with existing or prospective innovative energy systems.
Regarding each other partner, the task provides to communicate to MIEMA, as check list for example, the energy systems projects starting or in progress.
4.4.1. Local reviews, to identify innovative energy systems planned (if its results are achievable within the duration of the project or until 2020) or already developed in every pilot city. In this way, they will prepare a short Report (synthesis) for every city where prospective local systems of innovative energy production are illustrated. For example, the Port Energy and Environmental Plan (PEAP) of Genoa aims at promoting RES and energy efficiency over the whole port area through the definition of a specific action programme and an awareness raising scheme addressed to all the port operators. The action programme will develop the regulatory framework, the environmental impact assessment, building assessment, operational guidelines, communication tools and training. One major technical objective is the electrification of most of the port operations dramatically reducing emissions from ship combustion engines. The PEAP has also included the introduction along the 500 hectares of land at the port of Genoa, the installation of posts for recharging electric cars and vehicles of the future port;
4.4.2. Coordination proposal, to evaluate how integrate innovative energy system identified with every service system, to maximise environmental project benefits.
The task 4.5 allows realizing the Operative Plan, that defines, according to the WP4 results and analysis:
- HOW to contextualize the model for every pilot city, identifying needs, issues and solutions;
- WHEN to do every implementation activity;
- WHO involves for every pilot city (e.g. energy and e-scooter suppliers, transport operator, public bodies, companies) to reach the project targets;
- WHAT are the implementation costs, estimating the main types of service costs for the sharing system operator;
- WHAT are the EleCTra benefits for every pilot city, according to the WP4 results and the project indicator (e.g. how many scooters are available? How many charging points are been installed?)
4.5.1. Plan realization, to synthesize the all WP4 results and to coordinate previous activities results about service model. The non-pilot cities will be support the WP leader and other pilot cities in order to optimize and prepare the Plan for the model development in the non-pilot areas. Finally, the Plan will try to apply the other projects/systems synergies into experimentations;
4.5.2. Operative plan validation, to collect issues and advice by cities pilots partners and to present the Plan during a technical project meeting (month 14).