Smartweek 17/06/2014, Old Port Area, Genoa
Smartweek 17/06/2014, Old Port Area, Genoa
Ele.C.Tra Launching Event, 13/12/2013, Genova
Ele.C.Tra Launching Event, 13/12/2013, Genova
Spanish Ele.C.Tra National Support Group, 02/04/14, RACC Headquarters, Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Ele.C.Tra in MIEMA and University of Malta, 23/07/2014
Ele.C.Tra in MIEMA and University of Malta, 23/07/2014
East Attica
Greek National Support Group for electric & sustainable urban mobility, 17/07/2014, Pallini - East Attica
Greek National Support Group for electric & sustainable urban mobility, 17/07/2014, Pallini - East Attica
Electric mobility in Skopje, 10/04/2014, Skopje City Hall
Electric mobility in Skopje, 10/04/2014, Skopje City Hall
Electric mobility in Skopje, 10/04/2014, Skopje City Hall
Electro mobility - between wishes and possibilities, 02/06/2014, Skopje
Ele.C.Tra in 5th Zagreb Energy Week, May 2014
Click here for the full video!
Electric Vehicles International Conference & Show in Bucharest on 5th and 6th October
Ele.C.Tra-Electric City Transport will be at the EV2017 - Electric Vehicles International Conference & Show in Bucharest on 5th and 6th October!
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Leader: City of Zagreb
Participants: All partners
Duration: 6 months
The post-operam work package outlines the mobility situation after the experimental pilot actions have been completed. That will be done by conducting user satisfaction surveys, eventual vehicle counts and producing innovative energy measurements linked to electric scooter sharing services. Finally, the activity includes development of the business plan, model calibration and the feasibility studies to transfer the Ele.C.Tra model to non-pilot cities.
In this light, the WP provides large non-pilot cities involvement, mainly on the model calibration and the feasibility studies in order to realize the Ele.C.Tra. - system in the afterlife period in the non-pilot areas. The Non-pilot cities Plan will define these elements (D.6.5).
The ex-post evaluation is the final phase of the process, and provides the main results of the project. It is necessary to assess whether the project was successful and take into account changes to the previous evaluation activities. This phase will identify whether the ante-operam and model assumptions are achieved, whether the project was conducted as planned, what are the impacts and what are the lessons.
Then, the WP6 allows to evaluate the real model transferability for non-pilot cities, at least for 3 cities.
Knowledge sharing and training are fundamental for the non-pilot cities. In particular, to increase the task effectiveness:
- all non-pilot cities will receive a training where non-pilot partners can identify the lessons learned and the solutions adopted by the pilot cities;
- all non-pilot cities will have to realize the Non-pilot city Plan, one for every area involved, to identify context characteristics and issues and define activities and steps to implement in the future the model, on the basis of pilots experiences and training task;
- the 3 non-pilot cities that will realize the Ele.C.Tra model after (or during) the last part of the project will enhance the Non-pilot city Plan, identifying for example operative steps, stakeholders involved and costs;
- the meetings and the project exchange information network, created and enhanced during the Ele.C.Tra life, will allow the further at least 1 non-partner city involvement that can implement the model in own area. The WP1 (project meetings) and WP7 (communication tasks) are addressed to obtain this objective;
the project provides the coordination and check of the other projects and systems synergies, in order to maximise the Ele.C.Tra. results (2.3 and 4.5 mainly).
6.1.1. Post-operam surveys, to verify benefits of the project pilot actions (WP5). Surveys will be realized with paying attention to specific characteristics of every pilot city, and will be organized according to a short Surveys Post-operam Operative plan, that will give specific guidelines and define all of the necessary instructions about survey methodology. If useful, the partners involved can organize vehicle counts too;
6.1.2. Produced innovative/renewable energy measurements, to identify how much energy is produced during the project by innovative and renewable sources that are linked with the Ele.C.Tra model and supported by local/regional/national initiatives. To synthesize subtask results achieved during the implementation period, the Maltese partner, who is in charge of renewable and innovative energy matters, will realize a technical report.
The business plan will encompass an introduction to scooter sharing, description of the main goals, marketing strategy, a financial analysis, mobility options, a long term plan for expansion beyond the pilot city areas, and an outline for pilot project evaluation. WP leader, with the T Bridge support, will realize the Ele.C.Tra ex-post Business plan.
In the Business plan the different types of sharing models will be taken into account, discussing the different ownership models. Then, the plan will also indicate that:
the renter might get the opportunity to buy the e-scooter at the end of the renting period;
e-scooters are not co-funded with the projects budget, but through sponsors and the direct suppliers involvement and how to attract sponsors and suppliers.
6.3.1. Pilots parameters check, to synthesize project results effectiveness, based on target aims and pilot actions. The Macedonian partners, with WP3 leader’s support, will realize a technical Report to compare results achieved with aims planned, in terms of quantitative and qualitative parameters and indicators, like number of energy supply points for every pilot city, number of scooter sharing user subscriptions and citizens and tourists involved. This task will provide the non-pilot cities support, in terms of:
- exchange and validation of results indicators;
- discussing about methods and steps used to reach the project aims;
- identifying of project issues, clarifying the critical points and their solution, if they are applicable;
- optimization and calibration of project parameters and elements to enhance the Ele.C.Tra. effectiveness, mainly for non-pilot contexts.
In this phase the non-pilot cities can communicate and exchange information and data using call and video conferences and exchanging documents with emails and during the technical meetings;
Please explain what the non-pilot cities will do.;
6.3.2. Model adaptation, to optimize model and service plans (WP 3 and 4 results), by modifying model and service characteristics based on test results (WP 5), both negative and positive, and check (previous subtask). In this way, the model will be available for future uses. Adaptation needs to include a description of the model itself, the preparation of the necessary data base, and the calibration of the choice models by using data from ex-post surveys. A subtask final Report will include:
- comparison between test results and aims planned;
- solutions to optimize the model and to resolve problems and issues of the pilot actions.
The activity includes a short analysis, to systematize non-pilot cities peculiarities, based on WP2 analysis and the model calibration, and to identify local issues that could hinder the model implementation for every context involved, like for example demographic characteristics of users most likely to use the service.
6.4.1. Non-pilot training course. During this activity, non-pilot cities will receive a training (1 full day) on how to set up e-scooter sharing systems, wrapping up all lessons learned during the project and finalised by the development of a feasibility study for each of the non-pilot cities. The training will also be open to other interested cities. Training courses will be realized through video conference and an documents exchange, to minimize travel costs.
(Note: in the Annex II, I add 118 hours so articulated:
- every non-pilot cities: 10 hours, of which 8 for junior and 4 for expert, total: 98 hours;
- BCNE as one of the pilots: 20 hours, of which 8 for lesson training (by expert) and 12 for materials preparing bv junior).
6.4.2. Non-pilot cities Plan realization. This activity includes the Non-pilot cities plan, that will be realized by every non-pilot partner, in terms of future development in own cities and surroundings of similar services.
The “Non-pilot cities Plan”, based on previous activities (e.g. non-pilot target group), will specify:
- the SOLUTION for every city to apply a similar system in every non-pilot area;
- HOW to apply the system;
- WHEN to begin non-pilot e-scooter systems;
- WHO involves in every local system.
The Non-pilot city Plan will be mainly focused on the cities that can realize the Ele.C.Tra. model in own area, analyzing elements, issues and characteristics details in order to extend experimentations in these countries.