Smartweek 17/06/2014, Old Port Area, Genoa
Smartweek 17/06/2014, Old Port Area, Genoa
Ele.C.Tra Launching Event, 13/12/2013, Genova
Ele.C.Tra Launching Event, 13/12/2013, Genova
Spanish Ele.C.Tra National Support Group, 02/04/14, RACC Headquarters, Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Sm@rtCEM & MOTIT meets Ele.C.Tra in Barcelona
Ele.C.Tra in MIEMA and University of Malta, 23/07/2014
Ele.C.Tra in MIEMA and University of Malta, 23/07/2014
East Attica
Greek National Support Group for electric & sustainable urban mobility, 17/07/2014, Pallini - East Attica
Greek National Support Group for electric & sustainable urban mobility, 17/07/2014, Pallini - East Attica
Electric mobility in Skopje, 10/04/2014, Skopje City Hall
Electric mobility in Skopje, 10/04/2014, Skopje City Hall
Electric mobility in Skopje, 10/04/2014, Skopje City Hall
Electro mobility - between wishes and possibilities, 02/06/2014, Skopje
Ele.C.Tra in 5th Zagreb Energy Week, May 2014
Click here for the full video!
Electric Vehicles International Conference & Show in Bucharest on 5th and 6th October
Ele.C.Tra-Electric City Transport will be at the EV2017 - Electric Vehicles International Conference & Show in Bucharest on 5th and 6th October!
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Leader: AVMap
Participants: All partners
Duration: 30 months
This work package includes all communication and advertising activities to raise awareness citizens and tourists of changing daily behaviours to promote sustainable user-friendly activities and public bodies and mobility stakeholders, like local transports operators but also associations, universities and firms, in order to develop other innovative transport means (e.g. electric buses, low impact cars…). Additionally it includes the communication of the results of the Ele.C.Tra on national/regional level and the work package leader will provide a Communication Plan and template for reporting.
The communication activities will also be addressed to other countries beyond the PPs too, through the project communication channels (e.g. website, newsletters, e-press articles).
7.1.1 Work on the webpage. At month 6 of the project the Ele.C.Tra project website will be launched by the WP leader. The website will contain basic information in English about the project and will link to the national Ele.C.Tra project sections. In a partner space deliverables will be available for up- and download.
The communication coordinator partner AVMap will be in charge of the development of a project management/communication platform, in order to internal and external communication and project management and monitoring.
The internal project management tool along with a guideline for its use will be developed and run via the project website. Specific access will be given to different project members. The Project Coordinator along with the WPs leaders will be able to keep track of the project's status, responsibilities and deadlines, subscribe specific tasks and subtasks. A common calendar with important deadlines along with a common contacts’ list will be available for all the members of the partners. All partners deliver web-pages on institutional web-portals, regional, national, Mediterranean & European networks they are connected, in order to include aims and information about Ele.C.Tra. project and create link.
Specific attention should be paid to pupils/students and tourists with the use of communication channels such as the social networks, hotel marketing and tourism agencies. The project’s website (7.1.1) will have separate areas for each target group. The deliverables of the project will also be classified towards target groups via an additional menu: e.g. Are you a citizen? Are you a tourist? Are you a pupil? Are you a student? Are you a public body? Are you energy/electric scooter supplier? Are you a hotel? Are you a tourism operator? Different classification of the project’s reports, studies, events and other deliverables will come up for separate target groups;
7.1.2 Support after-life project. The project offers an additional hosting of the project’s web-based material for 5 years after the completion of the project, instead of 2 years, as the IEE guide lines. The activity will be realized by AVMap, WP 7 lead partner.
7.2.1. Logo and design realization. All documents and printed materials will be based on a corporate design which is to be used mandatory. The logo will be used on all printed materials in order to allow viewers to get more information and get in contact with the project;
7.2.2. Non-technical information material production, to promote the project to tour operators, touristic shipping companies, transport services operators (both public and private), etc., by leaflets, brochures, non-technical reports and other materials with the project Ele.C.Tra logo and design.
7.2.3. Communication Plan, to realize a tailor-made communication plan, that involve a set of target groups and mobility and energy stakeholders, like public transport users associations, national and regional authorities, municipalities, utilities, energy networks, schools,… Then, the project includes Semestrial Communication reports, that will be set up mentioning type of activities, targets, indicators and other details for the evaluation of the project’s communication steps. The template will be developed by WP leader, while all partners will complete it each semester with details of the specific activities they have undertaken. The Communication Plan (7.2.3) will also be generated towards this classification as well so as to have specific indicators for each different target group. The leaflets of the project (7.2.2) will be of 4 different types: one for public – tourists – families, one for students and pupils, one for public bodies (local – regional authorities, associations), one for private bodies (hotel marketing, tourism operators, energy/ electric scooters suppliers);
7.2.4 External communication activities, to promote the Ele.C.Tra benefits and advantages to project non-media key actors (e.g. tour operators, associations) by information material with the project Ele.C.Tra logo and design:
- a Project brochure, in English and in all partners’ languages, will serve information purposes for the public and all the beneficiaries & target groups;
- Project posters, in English and in all partners’ languages are to raise awareness purposes on the specific topics covered by the project. The posters will be delivered to public and private bodies in order to mobilize beneficiaries that control supplies, technology, and markets both related to transport and tourism;
- 2 advertisements/articles per country will be published in print newspapers, 1 for publicity and 1 for raising awareness on environmental topics related to electrical scooters’ sharing.
7.3.1. Information material realization, to produce and spread project brochures, leaflets, newsletter and merchandising material. Information material will be realized by City of Murcia, based on Communication Plan, project logo and design and guidelines by Communication WP lead partner;
7.3.2. Press contacts. The activity includes press conferences and press articles:
- 5 press releases per partner are published in regional media in their national language (1/semester);
- 1 mailing list (1.000 members – accounts provided by partners) will receive the project’s news via 4 newsletters;
- 50 e-articles in the project’s website (1 per geographical area per semester) on the progress of their work, important news from local & regional level either related to pilot projects or synergies with local SMEs, authorities, energy agencies, etc.
The press releases and the e-articles will be communicated through the project team members to all social networks (Linkedin, Facebook, etc);
7.3.3. Events organization, to plan international events/workshops about project aims and benefits:
- Launching event, during WP2, where the coordinator partner explains characteristics and objectives of the Ele.C.Tra project and the project partners will illustrate own sustainable and mobility best practices;
- 10 regional events (Genoa, Florence, Suceava, Barcelona, Malta, Athens, Murcia, Skopje, Lisbon and Zagreb) organised by each partner at local and regional level in order to inform and engage local and regional authorities on the Ele.C.Tra benefits;
- 3 press conferences for the capitalisation of Ele.C.Tra one in each of the 3 case studies where pilot projects are realised. Hosting partners invite journalists to visit the sharing spots, energy supply points, etc., along with SMEs, local and regional energy agencies, tourism sector, authorities and research institutes;
Closing conference, where benefits achieved and issues tackled will be explained. Title of the conference: “Electric Scooter Sharing Saves Cities: From European Strategies to local level”. The target groups are the local and regional authorities, energy institutes, SMEs related to green vehicles and tourism sector, transport agencies and operators. The closing conference will be part of an already existing event.
7.3.4. Promotional Spot
Ele.C.Tra DVD production will host audio-visual material of 12-15 min deriving from all partner countries. The DVD will communicate the project results and outcomes and advertise products. City of Murcia that is in charge to realize the project information material, with the WP leader’s support will undertake the development of the scenario, the shooting organization, the actual shooting, the collection of additional necessary material, image and sound editing, translation, subtitling and the creation of two different versions for the Consortium to approve. The spot will be published in YouTube, Europe channel, partners’ websites, municipalities’ websites etc.
The task 4 aim is to undertake gradual networking steps in order to build a strong cooperation platform with members of both private and public sector of the whole European area involved pilot actions areas about electrical vehicles and green practices. At a glance, the steps are:
- networking with European networks & partnerships, with a Report provides in the Month 28;
- networking at national and regional levels for each project area, with a Report provides in the Month 27.
In particular in Genoa there is “Palazzo Verde” a permanent centre for education to energy saving, sustainable mobility and waste reduction. The location is the “Magazzini dell’Abbondanza”, within Porto Antico of Genoa, a symbolic and historical place in the heart of the city.
The permanent centre allows informing on the Ele.C.Tra. - project and in general on environmental sustainability issues, and to sensitize and stimulate responsible behaviours thought to establish a reference and counselling point for the new generations.
7.4.1. Networking with European networks & partnerships
Project coordinator partner (Genoa Municipality) will promote synergies with other networks and projects related to electric vehicles and sustainable mobility, with the support of other pilot actions partners involved (e.g events with Green eMotion-Development of an European Framework for Electromobility http://www.greenemotion-project.eu/home/index.php and MERGE-Mobile Energy Resources in Grids of Electricity http://www.ev-merge.eu/. In addition the project leader will link Ele.C.Tra with ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers’ Associations).
At the end of this task, the Municipality of Genoa will highlight synergies with non-partner cities, clarifying what and how can be involved areas beyond the Ele.C.Tra. partnership.;
7.4.2. Networking at national level
8 Ele.C.Tra National Support Groups (NSGs) will be established by and in countries partners both pilot and non-pilot, where partners from the same country will cooperate in the formulation of NSGs. In particular the NSGs will be in:
- Genoa for Italy with the Florence Muinucipality participation;
- Barcelona for Spain with the Murcia participation;
- Suceava for Romania;
- La Valletta for Malta;
- Athens for Greece;
- Skopje for Macedonia;
- Zagreb for Croatia;
- Lisbon for Portugal
The NSGs aim is to gather local authorities, transport operators, transport users associations, vehicle industry (resellers, importers or manufacturers), tourism industry and research institutes to cooperate on a homogenized basis in view of the use of electrical scooters.
2 NSGs meetings/country will be held in months 9 and 26 in order to present the project’s results and give evaluation feedback for the needs of end users to Ele.C.Tra partnership.
The EleCTra national stakeholders will be involved as advisory boards (one for each partner country, both pilot and non-pilot) in order to exchange ideas and issues during the NSGs (National Group Support) meeting. In particular, the national stakeholders will allow:
a) to validate the EleCTra model, in terms of management structure and users facilities (e.g. charging point types, access cards for the users or other methods, the characteristics of energy and e-scooter suppliers in every city and the Area Mobility Management Offices role and activity);
b) to discuss the implementation phase results in own pilot city, highlighting benefits and issues and identifying solutions to extend the system in the project afterlife period. Particular attention be paid to evaluate the funding search for e-scooters that have been used in every pilot area and, if possible, that would be used in non-pilot countries;
c) to calibrate/verify the pilot systems by the non-pilot national stakeholders too through a set of parameters and indicators. As indicated above, there are NSGs for non-pilot cities too.
7.4.3. Networking at regional level
All partners will formulate regional clusters stakeholders, like local and regional authorities, regional chambers of commerce, in order to emphasize the advantages of electrical scooter sharing, to mobilize beneficiaries from all parts involved in electrical scooters’ industry and to bring down to local and regional level European practices on alternative fuel and transportation adopted by other cities. The events of 7.4.3 are linked to 7.3.3. There will be 10 regional meeting (one for every pilot and non-pilot area involved.