Title: Project Managenement and Monitoring
Leader: Genoa
Participants: All partners
Duration: 30 months

The project leader will take care of monitoring and technical-financial management of the project, supported by qualified partners. In the project management team will be dedicated particular attention to distinguish the roles of financial and technical management of the staff. The project manager will be choose in function of its management, problem solving, relational and leadership ability, whereas staff has to have a specific financial and  technical knowledge (environment, sustainable mobility).


Title: Ante-operam Analysis
Leader: MIEMA
Participants: All partners
Duration: 5 months
The ante-operam analysis will synthesize actual mobility situation for all project cities, analysis scooters suppliers market and exchange best practices. In this phase, the project includes surveys about mobility behaviour and needs (approximately in April and July 2013). At the end of the first phase, it will be possible to have a standard database for the areas involved about current mobility situation (demand, infrastructural network, citizen’s needs, touristic flows, etc.).


Title: Model Executive Planning
Leader: TBridge
Participants: All partners
Duration: 5 months
The model executive planning is necessary for the realization of the following working steps, because it identifies the project operating bases, in terms of model, actions, Area Mobility Management Offices organization and equipment (message variable panels, road signs, etc.). This phase that will be synthesized in a Report is common to all  cities and allows transferring the model in other regions or countries. In this way, the executive planning could be modified during the post-operam work package (WP 6), in order to calibrate the Ele.C.Tra. - model and enhance project results and transferability characteristics.


Title: Service Executive Planning
Leader: BCNEcologia
Participants: All partners
Duration: 6 months
The service executive planning work package will promote and organize the electric scooter sharing services in every pilot action city (Genoa and Florence in Italy and Barcelona in Spain), by involving the local mobility stakeholders. Activities will be planned by a tailor-made Operative Plan for each city.
It is very important to realize local stakeholder networks to allow in the future a comparable e-scooter system, involving own public bodies, Municipalities, transport operators and regional/national suppliers (WP3). In the non-pilot areas too, the project promotes the set-up of local stakeholder networks, involving local target groups such as hotels and tourist operators, private companies (where to install charging points, for example), like in case of the pilot cities (WP4).


Title: Implementation
Leader: Comune di Firenze
Participants: TBridge, BCNEcologia
Duration: 12 months

The implementation of the model EleCTra provides the electric scooters sharing application through an annual pilot action for 3 cities (Genoa, Florence and Barcelona). The pilot actions apply the analysis and studies results of the WP 3 and 4. Furthermore the WP requires to share the implementation characteristics and to exchange issues and dynamics, in order to enhance a strong contact network among all the cities (pilots and non-pilots) that can go on in the afterlife period.

To enhance the non-pilot cities involvement, the WP includes a visit to Genoa implementation test, in the final part of the annual testing period.

Please insert a site visit to one of the schemes and a training for the non-pilot cities, you can include travel costs for them and use 40 hours to prepare and organise the site visit. Note for PO (and FO): in this light, we have added 40 hours to Genoa Municipality (WP 5, junior expert), travel costs for non-pilot cities and cost to organize non-pilot visit (1.500 € for Genoa Municipality).


Title: Post-Operam
Leader: City of Zagreb
Participants: All partners
Duration: 6 months
The post-operam work package outlines the mobility situation after the experimental pilot actions have been completed. That will be done by conducting user satisfaction surveys, eventual vehicle counts and producing innovative energy measurements linked to electric scooter sharing services. Finally, the activity includes development of the business plan, model calibration and the feasibility studies to transfer the Ele.C.Tra model to non-pilot cities. 
In this light, the WP provides  large non-pilot cities involvement, mainly on the model calibration and the feasibility studies in order to realize the Ele.C.Tra. - system in the afterlife period in the  non-pilot areas. The Non-pilot cities Plan will define these elements (D.6.5).


Title: Communication
Leader: AVMap
Participants: All partners
Duration: 30 months
This work package includes all communication and advertising activities to raise awareness citizens and tourists of changing daily behaviours to promote sustainable user-friendly activities and public bodies and mobility stakeholders, like local transports operators but also associations, universities and firms, in order to develop other innovative transport means (e.g. electric buses, low impact cars…). Additionally it includes the communication of the results of the Ele.C.Tra on national/regional level and the work package leader will provide a Communication Plan and template for reporting.
The communication activities will also be addressed to other countries beyond the PPs too, through the project communication channels (e.g. website, newsletters, e-press articles).




  • Ele.C.Tra.'s kick-off meeting
    The kick off meeting of Ele.C.Tra project was held in 22nd and 23rd of July 2013 in Genoa at the Berio library. The meeting was followed by representatives from all project partners, specifically, the...
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